Our TM-Flow ANS testing platform is a Medical Device Data System that uses all four LD Technologies to
identify the different Markers that demonstrate the Patient Health Conditions.
The neoGEN-Series system is a state-of-the-art, technically innovative medical device producing electric cell signaling energy waves (EcST and ESI).
SANEXAS is FDA-approved. Through our Bioenergetics Medical Device Platform, the physician gains immediate access to various patient treatment protocols.
Sanexas uses a technique called electric cell signaling. It is based on the physics of
resonance, which is the electrical signaling between cells. You can think of resonance
like a piano being tuned. The tuner strikes the string, adjusting the energy that vibrates
along the string. This effect is what creates the sound, so adjusting the string will
change the tone.
RST Sanexas uses an advanced technology called electric cell technology. This is
based on the resonance of physics, which is the electrical signaling between the cells.
Electric cell signaling treatment (EST) refers to the administration of multiplexed
signal energy waves delivered via a computer-assisted digital (UHdfg) wave generator
system. Electric cell signaling treatment (EST) mentions the leading multiplex signal
energy waves delivered through the computer-accommodate digital wave
transformer system.
Applications and Electric Cell Signaling protocols have been subjected to clinical trails. The results have been published in numerous academic, scientific and medical publications and literature.The technologies efficacy is amply demonstrated by these published results and is reinforced anecdotally through the testimonials of thousands of patients.